So many adventures. So few times.

My photo
My life is pretty dull. I play with a toddler, watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba and experiment with the crock pot. I have no bed time and I find humor in Laffy Taffy jokes. Conan O'Brien is my anti-drug.

Thursday, January 19, 2023

And Then

It’s been a freaking week. The problem with that statement is that it is only Thursday. And my week? While heavy, it’s pretty insignificant compared to so many others I love. I woke up feeling sorry for myself (at 3 am, mind you… moments before the pup decided it was a good time to puke. 😳) and carried on that heavy emotion throughout the morning. 

And then

And then after remembering all the other shit of the world, and the heaviness of the week, and the amazing humans in my life - both adults and kiddos - I told myself that it was time to knock that nonsense off. 

I ran upstairs and changed into an outfit that was both comfy and would make me happy. I changed out my earrings, even. 
I threw a splash of makeup on my exhausted face, including a swipe of my favorite lipstick color. 
I blasted some Britney Spears.
Yes, my daily smoothie maybe has a black coffee base versus the typical almond milk. 
Yes, my lunchtime routine may be altered by a quick siesta at my desk. 

The only thing we have guaranteed to us is this moment. Let’s make the most of it.