So many adventures. So few times.

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My life is pretty dull. I play with a toddler, watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba and experiment with the crock pot. I have no bed time and I find humor in Laffy Taffy jokes. Conan O'Brien is my anti-drug.

Monday, November 5, 2012

Thankful November day 5: my health

I was a sickly kid. Like, dying in a hospital of a gazillion things-type-sick. Spinal tap-sick. Pneumonia three times-sick.

Even as an adult, while I didn't have such huge illnesses, I was always ill. Sore throats, headaches, dizzy spells, whatever. And then I popped out a kid. Okay, so my immune system isn't perfect and yea, I was just whining about stuffiness and a headache last night to the husband. BUT STILL. I'm so grateful I'm a healthy, active, happy woman. I don't know how I'd survive in my job (my boss is an energetic terror) otherwise.

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