So many adventures. So few times.

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My life is pretty dull. I play with a toddler, watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba and experiment with the crock pot. I have no bed time and I find humor in Laffy Taffy jokes. Conan O'Brien is my anti-drug.

Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Hot Mess Express, Party of 1

- Up for the day at 4:30 when Moose’s snuggle buddy doll thing’s head was wedged under my back.

-  Cheap kickboxing gloves performed cheaply in class. Knuckles bleed.

- While at doc for new anxiety meds, Dr. asks me what triggers anxiety attacks. EMMA’S SCHOOL CALLS RIGHT THEN. 😳

- Surprise! Emma’s fancy head lice shampoo didn’t work so well. Critters have risen (they have risen indeed).

- Spend afternoon scrubbing, spraying, throwing away, burning down, and dropkicking entire home. 

- Tommy asks me to open his apple juice. This is what makes me lose my shit and cry. 

Happy Fat Tuesday, all! Time for a drink and drink. 

Also, if you haven’t done so already go back to the Boob post and be sure to enter to win one of two Coobie bras I’m giving away! Woohoo!

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