So many adventures. So few times.

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My life is pretty dull. I play with a toddler, watch a lot of Yo Gabba Gabba and experiment with the crock pot. I have no bed time and I find humor in Laffy Taffy jokes. Conan O'Brien is my anti-drug.

Thursday, December 17, 2020

MLM Emotions

In the last 3 days, I’ve had - wait for it - 7 (SEVEN) separate messages from acquaintances regarding their diet pills and shakes and solutions for my... well, for my body. And I get it, everyone is trying to make a buck. Times are weird and money is tight, but I wonder if people ever consider the emotional toll it takes on their potential clients to constantly be told their only validity is in their body shape? Where they buy their children’s books? The brand of their toiletries?

I’m often amazed at how many people on my friends list are simply trying to sell me a thing. I frustratedly wrote this last night, and it feels just as valid and true today.

Would you reach out to me if I were thin? What if I were a man? Would you believe that I have great gut health without taking a pill to make me poop? Would you believe I actually choose to eat lean proteins along with fruits, vegetables and not a ton of processed carbs? Would you believe that when I do eat processed carbs or sugars I don’t actually feel guilty about it? Would you believe I already work out several times a week with structured formats that I know help me gain muscle because I did the leg work (no pun intended) to figure these out for myself? Would you believe that despite my pants size and cellulite, I don’t actually hate my body or my weight or my level of strength?

Would you believe that I actually sleep pretty well, actually get vitamin D from sunshine and only take vitamins when my kids choose not to eat theirs and I’m too lazy to put them back in the container? Would you believe I do frequently buy books for my kids and that they aren’t actually going without? Would you believe I support loads of small businesses in more ways than just the obvious?

Would you be my “friend” if you knew wholeheartedly I had no intentions of buying from you? 

Not saying I never will, but I’m more than the money in my wallet or the size of my hips. 

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